
Our approach

The NCCR Catalysis approach is to span across the whole chemical value chain of all branches of catalysis (i.e., homogeneous, heterogeneous, electro, bio, and photo, and combinations thereof), and to gain an understanding of relevant phenomena at length and time scales spanning ten orders of magnitude - from the atom to the full-scale process. We therefore combine multidimensional and cross-disciplinary modes, including catalysis, chemistry, materials science, chemical and process engineering, and computer sciences, and perform collaborative research across communities and organizations. We use a standardized, digital, accelerated approach to boost reproducibility, data sharing, and benchmarking. Our research is structured in five work packages (WP).


Our research journey centers on catalytic strategies for producing Renewable Platforms (WP1) and their subsequent transformation into tailored Complex Molecules (WP2). Progressing our fundamental science is reinforced by Advanced Tools (WP3) and Digitalization (WP4), which are versatile components intersecting all aspects of our work. The principles of Sustainability (WP5) underpin all our activities, guiding research decisions. We aspire to build strong Partnerships (WP6) with industry, spin-offs, centers of excellence, and policymakers in Phase II (2024-2028).

WP1 Renewable platforms

WP1 focuses on the discovery of innovative catalytic concepts and the development of optimized synthesis routes for the sustainable production of platform chemicals from renewable sources.
Coordinators: (UniBe) and (ETHZ)

WP2 Complex molecules

WP2 aims at discovering and implementing new methods and approaches for sustainable chemical transformations that valorize the renewable platforms of natural origin and/or prepared in WP1 into customized products.
Coordinators: (ZHAW) and (ETHZ)

WP3 Advanced tools

WP3 is dedicated to advancing the design of catalysts and unraveling the intricacies of active site structures and reaction dynamics, a crucial endeavor for the rational development of sustainable catalytic processes and the understanding of catalyst behavior across relevant temporal and spatial scales, and the interplay between local structure, kinetics, mass, heat, and charge transport.
Coordinators: (EPFL) and (ETHZ)

WP4 Digitalization

WP4 is dedicated to the strategic integration of digital solutions within the core of NCCR Catalysis, aimed at expediting sustainable technology development. Through a combination of big data analysis, statistical learning insights, and AI, our mission is to enhance catalyst discovery and deepen insights while optimizing experimental and theoretical efforts.
Coordinators: (IBM Research) and (EPFL)

WP5 Sustainability

WP5 is designed to integrate sustainability assessment seamlessly as a guiding principle of our research structure towards achieving an ecologically conscious chemical industry, and concentrates on developing robust methodologies to evaluate the sustainability impact of both the catalytic processes to synthesize renewable platforms (WP1) and complex molecules (WP2) and the tools developed to accelerate this process in WP3 and WP4.
Coordinators: (ETHZ) and (ETHZ)